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Symbols and abbreviations

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Measurement units: symbol
Angular mils (angular mil): µ mil symbol
Arcminute (arcminute): arcmin symbol
Arcseconds (arcsecond): arcsec symbol
Binary degrees (binary degree): b deg symbol
Binary radians (binary radian): b rad symbol
Centesimal minutes of arc (centesimal minute of arc): c moa symbol
Centesimal seconds of arc (centesimal second of arc): c soa symbol
Centiradians (centiradian): crad symbol
Circles (circle): o symbol
Degrees (degree): °deg symbol
Diameter parts (diameter part): diam part symbol
Gons (gon): gon symbol
Gradians (gradian): grad symbol
Hexacontades (hexacontade): hc symbol
Hour angles (hour angle): ha symbol
Microarcseconds (microarcsecond): μas symbol
Microradians (microradian): μrad symbol
Milliarcseconds (milliarcsecond): µas symbol
Points (point): pct symbol
Points (point): pct symbol
Quadrants (quadrant): quad symbol
Revolutions (revolution): rev symbol
Rotations (rotation): rot symbol
Sextants (sextant): 60° symbol
Signs (sign): 30° symbol