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CJ to BTU convert

Convert centijoules to BTU

Centijoules ()
BTU to centijoules Centijoules to BTU

Conversion rule

How to convert centijoules to BTU?

1 cJ = 0.000009478 BTU = 9.4781512159913 x 10 -6 BTU

1 centijoule is equal with 0.000009478 BTU
1 cJ is equal with 0.000009478 BTU
1 cJ is equal with 9.4781512159913E-6 BTU

1 BTU is equal with 1 divided by 0.000009478 centijoules
1 BTU = 1 / 0.000009478 cJ
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Formula cJ -> BTU






How many centijoules has 1 BTU?

1 centijoule has 0.0000094781512159913 BTU.
  • 1 centijoule cJ = 0.0000094781512159913 BTU BTU (1*9.4781512159913E-6)

2 centijoules has ______ how many BTU?

2 centijoules has 0.000018956302431983 BTU?
  • 2 centijoules cJ = 0.000018956302431983 BTU BTU (2*9.4781512159913E-6)

Convert 5 centijoules to BTU

5 centijoules is equal with 0.000047390756079957 BTU
  • 5 centijoules cJ = 0.000047390756079957 BTU BTU (5*9.4781512159913E-6)

Quick conversion cJ to BTU

  • 1 centijoule cJ = 0.0000094781512159913 BTU BTU (1*9.4781512159913E-6)
  • 10 centijoules cJ = 0.000094781512159913 BTU BTU (10*9.4781512159913E-6)
  • 20 centijoules cJ = 0.00018956302431983 BTU BTU (20*9.4781512159913E-6)
  • 30 centijoules cJ = 0.00028434453647974 BTU BTU (30*9.4781512159913E-6)
  • 40 centijoules cJ = 0.00037912604863965 BTU BTU (40*9.4781512159913E-6)
  • 50 centijoules cJ = 0.00047390756079957 BTU BTU (50*9.4781512159913E-6)
  • 100 centijoules cJ = 0.00094781512159913 BTU BTU (100*9.4781512159913E-6)
  • 200 centijoules cJ = 0.0018956302431983 BTU BTU (200*9.4781512159913E-6)
conversion table