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Measurement units: radiation - absorbed dose
Symbol: Gy
multiplesGray (Gy): multiples and submultiples
Rad to gray Gray to rad

info symbol: Gy

1Gy = 1 J / Kg

The gray is the unit of ionizing radiation dose in the International System of Units (SI), defined as the absorption of one joule of radiation energy per kilogram of matter.

It is used as a unit of the radiation quantity absorbed dose that measures the energy deposited by ionizing radiation in a unit mass of matter being irradiated, and is used for measuring the delivered dose in radiotherapy, food irradiation and radiation sterilization.
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  • 1 gray Gy = 1*100.000000000 rad rad
  • 1 gray Gy = 1*100.000000000 centigray cGy
  • 1 gray Gy = 1*0.000001000 joule / milligram J/mg
  • 1 gray Gy = 1*100000.000000000 millirad mrad
  • 1 gray Gy = 1*0.100000000 decagray daGy