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Conversion ruleQuick conversion Examples

Cup US to US gal lqd convert

Convert cups (US) to US gallons (liquid)

Cups (US) ()
(US gal lqd)
US gallons (liquid) to cups (US) Cups (US) to US gallons (liquid)

Conversion rule

How to convert cups (US) to US gallons (liquid)?

1 cup US = 0.062499933 US gal lqd

1 cup (US) is equal with 0.062499933 US gallons (liquid)
1 cup US is equal with 0.062499933 US gal lqd

1 US gallon (liquid) is equal with 1 divided by 0.062499933 cups (US)
1 US gal lqd = 1 / 0.062499933 cup US
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Formula cup US -> US gal lqd

formula Cups (US) to US gallons (liquid) - cup US to US gal lqd


How many cups (US) has 1 US gallon (liquid)?

1 cup (US) has 0.062499933015697 US gallons (liquid).
  • 1 cup (US) cup US = 0.062499933015697 US gallons (liquid) US gal lqd (1*0.062499933015697)

2 cups (US) has ______ how many US gallons (liquid)?

2 cups (US) has 0.12499986603139 US gallons (liquid)?
  • 2 cups (US) cup US = 0.12499986603139 US gallons (liquid) US gal lqd (2*0.062499933015697)

Convert 5 cups (US) to US gallons (liquid)

5 cups (US) is equal with 0.31249966507848 US gallons (liquid)
  • 5 cups (US) cup US = 0.31249966507848 US gallons (liquid) US gal lqd (5*0.062499933015697)

Quick conversion cup US to US gal lqd

  • 1 cup (US) cup US = 0.062499933015697 US gallons (liquid) US gal lqd (1*0.062499933015697)
  • 10 cups (US) cup US = 0.62499933015697 US gallons (liquid) US gal lqd (10*0.062499933015697)
  • 20 cups (US) cup US = 1.25 US gallons (liquid) US gal lqd (20*0.062499933015697)
  • 30 cups (US) cup US = 1.875 US gallons (liquid) US gal lqd (30*0.062499933015697)
  • 40 cups (US) cup US = 2.5 US gallons (liquid) US gal lqd (40*0.062499933015697)
  • 50 cups (US) cup US = 3.125 US gallons (liquid) US gal lqd (50*0.062499933015697)
  • 100 cups (US) cup US = 6.25 US gallons (liquid) US gal lqd (100*0.062499933015697)
  • 200 cups (US) cup US = 12.5 US gallons (liquid) US gal lqd (200*0.062499933015697)
conversion table