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Measurement units: weight
Symbol: tod
Pounds to tods Tods to pounds

infoSimbol: tod
This was an English weight for wool.
It has the alternative spelling forms of tode, todd, todde, toad, and tood.
1 tod = 28 pounds
1 tod = 2 stone
The tod, however, was not a national standard and could vary by English shire, ranging from 28 to 32 pounds.
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  • 1 tod tod = 1*12.700586000 kilograms kg
  • 1 tod tod = 1*28.000000000 pounds lb
  • 1 tod tod = 1*2.000000000 stones st
  • 1 tod tod = 1*1114.0869611718 shekels shek
  • 1 tod tod = 1*0.25 long quintals cwt long