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#D5DBBC color HEX code RGB, HSL, CMYK


   In a RGB color space, hex #D5DBBC is composed of 84% red, 86% green and 74% blue.
RGB color code is composed of a hexadecimal D5 red (213/255), a DB green (219/255) and a BC blue component (188/255). The decimal RGB color code is rgb(213,219,188)
In CMYK color space, it is composed of 3% cyan, 0% magenta, 14% yellow and 14% black.
It has a hue angle of 71.61o degrees, a saturation of 30% and a lightness of 80%.
Closest websafe color is: #cccccc rgb (204, 204, 204).
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Color conversion

from 255
from 255
from 255
from 100
from 100
from 100
from 100
R: 213
G: 219
B: 188
C: 3
M: 0
Y: 14
K: 14
Hexa colorRGB color chartCMYK color chart

Convert color

The hexadecimal color #D5DBBC has RGB values of R:213, G:219, B:188 and CMYK values of C:3, M:0, Y:14, K:14. Its decimal value is 14015420.Binary code is 110101011101101110111100
In print we use cyan, yellow, magenta and black (CMYK) inks because usually we print on a white paper.

Hex colorD5DBBC #D5DBBC
RGB decimal213, 219, 188 rgb(213, 219, 188)
RGB %84, 86, 74 rgb(84%, 86%, 74%)
RGB Adobe214, 218, 188
CMYK %3, 0, 14, 14 3%, 0%, 14%, 14%
HSL71.61o, 30, 80 hsl(71.61o, 30%, 80%)
HSV (HSB)72o, 14%, 86% hsv(72o, 14%, 86%)
Web Safe color#cccccc rgb (204, 204, 204)
XYZ61.849, 68.44 57.527
xyY0.33, 0.36, 68.44
Hunter-Lab82.73, -7.02, 12.65
CMY16%, 14%, 26%
Lab86.32, -6.06, 14.59
Binary color
11010101 11011011 10111100

Shades and tints of #D5DBBC

A shade is achieved by adding black to original color on hue code.
A tint is created by mixing color with white.
Use the palette to pick a color or the sliders to set the RGB, HSV, CMYK components.
For example here: #2A2B25 is the darkest color, and: #F7F8F2 is the lightest one.

Tint color variation #D5DBBC

Shade color variation

Tones of #D5DBBC
A tone is produced by adding gray to any pure hue. In this case, #CDD2B6 is the less saturated color, and #9EA095 is the most saturated one.

Alternatives to #D5DBBC

Below, you can see some colors close to #D5DBBC. Having a set of related colors can be useful if you need an inspirational alternative or other close colors to your original color choice.

Quick use #D5DBBC

How to use this color on webpages, scripts or other programming languages using html, CSS, dhtml, JAVA, .NET, openGL, Swift, Xojo

Color of the text Background color example
Color of the text
Background color example

<font color="#D5DBBC;">Text here</font>

<div style="background-color:#D5DBBC;">Text here</div>

Color preview on black background Color preview on white background
color preview on black background
color preview on white background
HTML code

<div style="background-color:#000000"> <font color="#D5DBBC;">Text here</font> </div>

HTML code

<div style="background-color:#FFFFFF; border: 1px dotted #999999;"> <font color="#D5DBBC;">Text here</font> </div>

Div box shadow Text shadow css code
box shadow for color #D5DBBC
text shadow css code
HTML code

<div style="background-color:#FFFFFF; box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px 1px #D5DBBC;"></div>

CSS code

.box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px 1px;

CSS code

.text-shadow: 1px 2px 2px #D5DBBC;

Box border html code Text shadow with RGB values for color #D5DBBC
box border html code for color #D5DBBC

text shadow with RGB values

HTML code

<div style="background-color:#FFFFFF; border:1px solid #D5DBBC;"></div>

CSS code with RGB

.text-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(213, 219, 188, 1.4);

Pre-formatted code D5DBBC code for script / programming
HTML, CSS: = #D5DBBC; rgb(213, 219, 188)
Java: = new Color(213, 219, 188)
.NET: = Color.FromArgb (213, 219, 188);
Xojo: = rgb (213, 219, 188, 0);
openGL: = glColor3f (0.84f, 0.86f, 0.74f);
Swift: = UIColor(red:0.84, green:0.86, blue:0.74, alpha:1.00000);
Objective-C: = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.84 green:0.86 blue:0.74 alpha:1.00000];

Color schemes with #D5DBBC

Monochromatic color
monochromatic color scheme

Monochromatic color schemes are easy to create because they use only one color. Monochromatic schemes use different tones from the same angle on the color wheel (the same angle).Just change color saturation +10% and you have a new monocromatic color. On our case color: 14% has a #D5DBBC saturation. Adding 14% + 10% = 24% saturation for our new color #ACB58A. Decreasing 14% - 10% = 4% saturation for other monochromatic color #FDFFF5.

Analogous color
analogous color scheme

Analogous color schemes are created by using colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Just +/- 30o on sides of the color hue angle.

Complementary color
complementary color scheme
Complementary schemes are created by combining colors from opposite sides of the color wheel. Simple add 180 degrees to color hue / angle and you have the complementary color. On our case color: #D5DBBC has a 72o angle. Adding 72o + 180o = 252oo for our new complementary color #C3BDDB.

Split color
split color scheme

Compound schemes or split complementary schemens are almost the same as complementary schemes.
Instead of using colors that are opposites, it uses colors on both sides of the opposite hue angle.
On our case color: #D5DBBC has a 72o angle. Adding 72o + 180o+30o = 282o for our first complementary color #D2BDDB. Decreasing 72o + 180o-30o = 222o for the second complementary color #BDC6DB.

Tiradic color
tiradic color scheme

Triadic schemes are made up of hues/angles equally spaced around color wheel. Add and decrease +/- 120 degrees on both sides of the color hue angle.

Tetradic color
tetradic color scheme

Tetradic schemes are made up of hues/angles spaced around color wheel. Add 120,180,300 degrees on the color hue angle.